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How to Buy Tickets
To purchase tickets, follow these steps:
Select the event you want to buy tickets for and click on the "Buy Ticket" link.
Choose the number of tickets or select your seat. You can buy a maximum of 9 tickets in one transaction.
Enter your information and select the ticket delivery method. Ensure that the information you provide (phone number, email address) is accurate, as it plays an important role in delivering your tickets.
Complete the payment process. Do not finalize the payment before the screen refreshes completely and you see the confirmation page. Please be patient during any delays, as they may be related to the virtual POS and bank internet connectivity. Wait until you receive the confirmation message.
After the purchase is complete, your ticket information will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS and to your email address.
If you have purchased a cinema ticket, the transaction number that has been sent to your mobile phone via SMS/email will be required to print your ticket from our kiosk devices or ticket counters at the cinema.
For any issues, suggestions, or criticisms, you can reach us at info@biletinial.com or call our customer service number at 0 (850) 333 99 11.