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        Barbaros Şansal Burda Olmaz

        Stand up

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        114 Comment

        Barbaros Şansal Burda Olmaz Theatre Play 

        Age Limit: 16+
        Duration: 90 Minutes

        "The Tailor's Apprentice Speaks!"

        Barbaros Şansal meets the audience with his show "Burda Olmaz" with the participation of surprise guests.
        Şansal, who is a master of narration with his humorous language, will show his audience, from the world of fashion to the world of art, "It doesn't happen here, but it happens everywhere".
        It arouses a political curiosity by saying...
        Cutter, Sewer, Wearer: Barbaros Shansal
        Game Duration: According to Our Pleasure :)

        Organisation: Antre Organisation

        • Event Type Stand up
        • Duration 90 minutes

        Event Rules

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